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Testimonies of Healing

The testimonies in our periodicals...

From the April 1921 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The testimonies in our periodicals are always so helpful to me that I feel it is not only a duty but a great privilege to add mine, hoping some one may be benefited by reading it as I have been by reading those of others. Over a year ago I turned to Christian Science for physical healing after all material means had failed. For more than ten years I had been taking medicines for anæmia and other complications, having consulted twelve different physicians in various parts of the United States. At one time I was so ill it required nine months of almost constant medical treatment to restore what was believed to be health. During six weeks of this time five hypodermic injections a week were being given and I was on a diet of what was believed to be the most nutritious food obtainable.

At this time another physician was consulted who diagnosed my case as tuberculosis, in an advanced stage. Soon after this I went to the mountains for a vacation, taking short "hikes," living out of doors, drinking milk and cream, and taking raw eggs, hoping to improve, which I did. I returned home, and for a short time enjoyed what was thought to be perfect health, but in six months it was again necessary to have hypodermic injections. This I continued for about six weeks, when we moved to San Francisco. I had never been so ill nor so discouraged as then, for after finding a physician and undergoing a thorough physical examination I was told that more hypodermic injections were necessary, as well as medicine to be taken internally, but that permanent relief could not be expected. I took treatment for about a week, when the thought of a hypodermic injection became so repulsive to me I found I could not continue.

Christian Science had so many times been brought to my attention that I decided that it could not be for a chosen few, but must be for all, and that I would try it. Being a stranger here, I knew of no Christian Science practitioner, so took the telephone book and from the "classified list" chose one and made an appointment. Indeed I was divinely guided, for with the loving help of the practitioner came peace and encouragement. I began studying our Lesson-Sermons and reading our periodicals, which were a great help. Two months later, while reading a poem in the Sentinel, I realized I was healed. Words but faintly express my gratitude to God for this beautiful healing, and "I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever." I am grateful to Mrs. Eddy, our Leader, who gave Christian Science to the world, and for the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and all the Christian Science literature. The periodicals prove to be a daily help and joy, and the Monitor is indispensable. Through the faithful application of Mrs. Eddy's teachings as first demonstrated by Christ Jesus, I find my understanding growing, and I have had the opportunity of helping others. For all these blessings and the help of a loving practitioner I am grateful.—

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