Justly would I deserve to be classed with the nine lepers who were healed by the Master if I failed to return thanks for the wonderful benefits which have come to me through the healing efficacy of Christian Science.
Three times in less than three years I was rendered unconscious through heart disease. As time went on, these attacks increased both in frequency and severity until there was scarcely a moment when I was entirely free from pain. In this condition I struggled along for months, trying to combat the foe with my meager understanding of Christian Science, until it became apparent to me that a prolongation of this battle single-handed was most unwise. At this point I appealed to a faithful Christian Science practitioner for help. The battle was not won in a day nor in a week but, thanks be to God, through Christian Science I am now enjoying complete freedom; that freedom which is ours eternally if we will but assert our God-given right to health, harmony, and immortality.—Wichita, Kansas.