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[Written for the Journal]


From the October 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It came, but after weeks of pain, you say;
When darkened hours prevailed, with scarce a ray
To cheer you on your ever faltering way.
And you were patient, trustful, kind?

It came, you say, a glint of heavenly blue,
And 'round your couch Love's healing presence threw
A halo of assurance, strangely new.
And you had prayed aright?

Your pains, before so real, were they no more?
Had not your Christly healing closed the door
To error's specious claims forevermore?
Ah! but you were grateful. God be praised!

I'd tell thee more, but words would fail me quite;
Dear are the memories of that wondrous night.
In silent hope, 'tis now my chief delight
Just to be still and know!

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