For twenty-five years I was under medical treatment and was kept on a strict diet, being considered almost an invalid. Among my many ills were asthma, severe headaches, and kidney trouble. I was treated by physicians from various parts of the country, without relief. Finally, my husband was told by physicians that I could not live two weeks longer. It was then that, through a friend, I turned to Christian Science. I had not been under Christian Science treatment, long before I was almost a normally well woman. I can honestly say that it is entirely due to Christian Science that I to-day enjoy excellent health; for I have not taken a dose of medicine since I first turned to Science, which was more than six years ago. I am very thankful for the physical healings, and for many other greater blessings that have come to me through Christian Science.
I am grateful to God, and to Mary Baker Eddy, who so ably unfolded the truth to us; and I am grateful to our dear practitioners, who so lovingly aid us in overcoming our difficulties.—Columbia, S. C.