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Testimonies of Healing

Any one who has experienced the...

From the June 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Any one who has experienced the healing and regenerating power of Christian Science, usually finds it hard to express in words the gratitude that follows such a blessing. It has been said that "man's extremity is God's opportunity." and such was the case with me.

In the spring of 1913, I found myself attending the Christian Science services, as a sense of duty, but silently cherishing a strong prejudice against what I thought Christian Science to be. In a short time, however, many erroneous beliefs were cast out, and I began to think and study this great truth which had already begun its healing work in our home. My first physical healing was from a most distressing condition of my back. Different forms of material treatment had been given a fair trial but with no lasting improvement. At the end of my first year's study, when I was seized with an attack, much more severe than any of the foregoing ones, I asked for Christian Science treatment. The suffering, which was intense" at first, gradually abated, and through the loving help of the practitioner I was enabled to resume my duties after one week's absence from work. My gratitude for this wonderful healing filled me with a desire to know more of Principle, divine Love, which governs man.

Since then fear, which Mrs. Eddy says (Science and Health, p. 302) "is an element of all disease," has been losing its place in my consciousness, and I am being freed from the accompanying torment. About two years ago I was healed of influenza in a few days. Before taking up the study of Christian Science the annual attacks of this sort were of many weeks' duration.

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