Christian Science has brought me so many blessings that it is difficult to know where to begin in enumerating them. It is more than twenty years since I first heard of this truth and turned to it with a faint hope of finding the physical healing which I greatly needed. I had been suffering for seven years from a very severe digestive trouble, and was far below a normal condition of health. Medicine, and careful adherence to medical advice, had failed to cure me; and I was almost ready to believe that there was nothing left for me but a weary existence of semi-invalidism.
I shall never cease to be grateful that at this time a friend told me of a remarkable case of healing through Christian Science that had occurred in the city in which I was then living. So far as I remember, I had never heard the words "Christian Science" before. An interview with the person reported to have been healed, convinced me that the case was genuine. I also learned that a Christian Science practitioner was to be in the city on certain days of the week, and I decided to try this method of treatment. Upon my first visit to the practitioner, she told me of some of the simpler truths of Christian Science and loaned me a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the textbook of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy, saying that it was a book which it was probable I would always want. At the time this seemed a strange remark, for I could not understand why I should desire always to have a book of that kind; but I long ago learned that her words were true, and that the "little book" is a treasure of which no Scientist would willingly be deprived.
I was not quickly healed; but after a few weeks of treatment and of reading the textbook I received sufficient physical and mental help to feel that I had at last found something which, if faithfully followed, was able to effect a cure. I had no further treatment but continued to read and to improve in health, until at length the bondage of fear and of belief in medical law was completely broken, and I was restored to health and strength. As Mrs. Eddy has beautifully said on page 442 of Science and Health: "The prisoner rose up regenerated, strong, free;" adding, "Divine Love had cast out fear.''