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Testimonies of Healing

In February of 1918, I was being...

From the June 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In February of 1918. I was being treated for sinus trouble by one of the most skillful specialists in Cleveland. The complaint had become so aggravated that when a minor operation failed to bring any relief, a major operation was ordered. Upon hearing this ultimatum, I at once became greatly discouraged and almost despondent; and I resolved right then and there that I would never consent to undergo another operation, because for years I had submitted to various surgical operations for so-called catarrhal conditions, including one for mastoiditis only two years before and none of them had ever done me any permanent good. One thing was certain: I had had enough of medical practice and its ever changing theories, those of to-day being out of vogue to-morrow, and so on. With me it was indeed a case of man's extremity being God's opportunity.

A neighbor to whom I told my plight suggested that I try Christian Science, and mentioned the name of a practitioner, despite the fact that she herself was only slightly interested in this new-old truth. To this manifestation of love, I merely smiled; because for years, through ignorance, I had maligned this wonderful religion; but upon further reflection a "still small voice" was heard and obeyed, in that I decided at least to investigate, and find out if there was any truth in all I had heard of healings through the application of Christian Science. So although very skeptical, I went to the practitioner's office; and there I learned more in a few minutes about God and my true status than I had ever known before. In a few days the healing came and being such a wonderful proof of divine Love's protection and care. I was thoroughly convinced of the efficacy of Christian Science. Since then I have experienced other healings, including that of smoking; and I am glad to say that discords are becoming less numerous each year. It is needless to state that I am most grateful to the loving practitioner whose clear transparency of the truth made these healings possible.

I am thankful to God, to Christ Jesus the Way-shower, and to Mrs. Eddy, through whose love, consecration and altruism has been revealed to us in ''Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" the spiritual interpretation of the Bible, which has reestablished spiritual healing; and I am grateful for all her other writings; also for membership in The Mother Church, in a branch church, for class instruction, and for all the activities of the cause, which are enabling hungry seekers for the truth to find "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding,'' through the healing of all kinds of discordant conditions.—

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