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Testimonies of Healing

Gratefully and gladly I bear witness...

From the June 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Gratefully and gladly I bear witness to the fact that the Word of God heals the sick, and that it is the Word of God alone which does this work. In the midst of a very busy life, being interested in many things that are humanly called good, I broke down with what the physicians called a lack—a lack of red blood, or anæmia—and they said it was necessary to be built up. I did need building up, and I did lack, for I was losing daily; but it was not in the power of those physicians, kindly as they were, to give me what I lacked and must have in order to live. Not until there was no hope of recovery did I look completely away from material things to the best that I then knew of God; and, as I did so, God quickly answered in Jesus' words. "Ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." For the first time I realized that promise was meant for me; that God was speaking through His Word to me. And in obedience I asked earnestly, and was rewarded far beyond my expectation.

The following day a friend told me of a book called ''Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and I knew from what she said about it that I wanted it. When it came, I read constantly; and as I read, one conviction after another came to me: the unwavering conviction that this book taught the truth; that the right understanding of good was what I had lacked; that God, good, was my very life, and to have more life there must be more good in my consciousness; that the Bible stories learned long ago had a lesson for me right then, and were written to help every one in such need as mine. A great rejoicing that it was possible to know what was true ran like an undercurrent through my thought, and the assurance that every honest question had an answer gave me an indescribable peace, and I rested in it. The fear and sense of lack gradually left and, of course, I began to mend from that time. In three weeks I was about the house, and soon I was out.

This healing took place nine years ago this winter, through reading the Bible and Science and Health alone. As I look back now, I can see that every right effort on my part was protected by divine Love, and was preparing me to receive blessings that had always been ready for me,—but for which I was entirely unready. Deep gratitude fills my heart when I think of Christ Jesus the Way-shower and of our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy, through whose purified thought the same truth has been revealed to this age. I know that only by complete daily obedience to the best that I know can this gratitude be expressed.—

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