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From the August 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Portion of a Lecture Delivered by , C. S. B., Member of The Christian Science Board of Lectureship,

Before entering upon the main body of my subject, permit me to call your attention to a few important points, chief among which is our ability to think. We seldom consider it; yet it is the greatest gift that we possess; and the cultivation of it is the highest duty we owe to ourselves and to mankind. That it may be exercised in a far nobler way than is generally the case, is nowhere questioned; but that it can be exercised for the healing and redemption of mankind, according to a given Principle and a definite rule, is a fact not recognized or inculcated by any system save Christian Science.

Contrary to beliefs more or less widespread, let it be said that Christian Scientists do not fail to take cognizance of the difficulties which beset the race as well as the individual. They are not engaged in any superficial, altruistic theory. They claim to have common sense; and the history of this movement shows clearly that, as a class, Christian Scientists are eminently practical. The advantage which they have over other people is to be found solely in what they have gained of the true Science of Life and living, through the study of the Bible, and of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" and other works written by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science.

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