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From the August 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal


Per Capita Tax.—The annual per capita tax for which the Manual provides (Art. VIII, Sect. 13) is due from members of The Mother Church, June 1, but may be paid at any time during the year. The per capita tax of those who unite with the church in November is reckoned from the preceding June, that being the beginning of the church year. If a remittance for church dues is more than the amount required to balance one's account, the surplus is credited for the current year, unless otherwise directed by the sender.

Contributions to The Christian Science Benevolent Association are acceptable; and contributions may also be made to the General Fund and the Real Estate Fund of The Mother Church.

Please make all remittances payable to Edward L. Ripley, Treasurer, and send them to him at 236 Huntington Avenue, Back Bay Station, Boston, Massachusetts.


Please address correspondence relating to membership with The Mother Church and requests for application forms for membership to Geo. Wendell Adams, Clerk, 236 Huntington Avenue, Back Bay Station, Boston, Massachusetts.

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