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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a deep sense of gratitude...

From the August 1922 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I hereby lovingly bear witness to the healing power of Christian Science. During the last twelve years I have received many healings, both mental and physical, and should like to relate one of the healings which proved to me, and to others who witnessed it, that "with God all things are possible."

It was in the spring of 1912 that I submitted to a physical examination for a growth in the breast that had existed for several months, which was causing me suffering and making it difficult for me to use my right arm. This examination was made to satisfy a member of the family who is not a Christian Scientist. The physician pronounced it a malignant growth and advised an operation at once. He found, however, that the surgeon whom he wished to consult about the operation was out of the city for a stay of several days. I immediately sought the services of a Christian Science practitioner. In four days the physician called without being requested to do so. He made another examination and found, much to his surprise, that the growth had diminished in size. His fear was lessened and nothing more was said about the operation. This I consider divine protection. Christian Science treatment was continued for some time. When the fear was destroyed I realized freedom; and the healing was complete and permanent. This experience made me realize the truth of Mrs. Eddy's statement in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 167). "Only through radical reliance on Truth can scientific healing power be realized."

For this healing and many others I am deeply grateful to God, to Mrs. Eddy, and to the loving practitioner who so patiently helped me through this experience.—,

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