From infancy until the age of four years, my youngest child had not known a well day or gone without medicine. From the time she was six months old, the taking of food would often throw her into convulsions. Each year some new difficulty would arise. In her first year, and twice in her third year, she had attacks of pneumonia. Kidney trouble, which the physician declared would run into Bright's disease, brought on a twitching of the muscles about the nose and eyes. Weak lungs and bronchial affection seemed to be developing into consumption. Then malarial fever set in; and the doctor said she could no longer live in this climate. Every material remedy had failed to relieve the situation; and when the child could no longer take any nourishment, we turned to Christian Science for help. After the first treatment, she was able to walk upstairs to her room. While her recovery was slow, the improvement was marked and permanent. Her healing is the most remarkable one I have ever witnessed. Her physician admitted that medicine could not have brought it about.
Through this experience, I was led to study Christian Science; and for years my family have relied wholly upon the great Physician. We have been healed of many serious attacks of illness. I am certainly grateful for all of these healings, and thankful that I was led by divine Mind into the knowledge of Christian Science. —Rosedale, Kans.