I have had many proofs of God's unfailing protection. I have testified of an instantaneous healing after a headlong plunge downstairs sufficient to break the neck. A hole was made in the wall where the head struck; yet, fifteen minutes after calling a practitioner, I sat at breakfast with the injured one, who was at the same time also healed instantaneously of rheumatism and stiffness, which had seemingly caused the fall. I have given written and spoken testimony of the healing of a severed finger with Christian Science treatment, so that to-day it would be impossible to detect which finger was injured.
I am grateful for a healing from a severe attack of rheumatism, and have given testimony of what has been called by examining physicians a miraculous healing, by Christian Science absent treatment, from a severe and extreme case of blood poisoning and gangrene. I was up in three weeks; and after three months, walked in one day twenty-five miles; and after three years I passed a physical examination with the physician's comment, "You are in perfect physical condition."
I have testified of the beautiful healing of the broken collar bone of my little two-year-old baby. Although his arm hung limp and unused at his side for five days, on the sixth day he came running and waving it high above his head. The healing is perfect, so perfect that it would be impossible to ascertain now which side was broken. Not a human hand assisted. No cast or bandage was used. The child lost not one moment of sleep or play; and after the first hour there was no pain.