Awakening from sleep one prayed,
"Thy kingdom come."
The sky was clear; bird-songs were
In the air, and voices of happy children;
The reign of Truth, and Life, and Love
Was gaining establishment within;
Fear and sinful thoughts were being cast out;
For in the consciousness where good holds sway,
There is no abiding place for evil.
The work of the day was taken up.
It called for patience, love, intelligence,
Gentleness, persistence;
Through the long hours there was a song in the
heart, making toil lighter;
While again, and again, and again,
That prayer of faith ascended,
"And may Thy Word enrich
The affections of all mankind,
And govern them!"
Church Manual, by Mary Baker Eddy, page 41.
This is the prayer
Of unselfed love; and happy are the hearts
Whose thoughts go forth, daily
And without ceasing,
In fervent desire for the welfare of all.
They shall surely gain a threefold good:
Giving, they shall receive;
Blessing, they shall be blessed;
Living in an atmosphere of love,
Love shall await them.