Christian Science was presented to me a little over two years ago, at a time of great need. I was suffering from what the medical profession called muscular rheumatism, neuritis, and a host of minor ailments. The doctors, though trying their best, were unable to help me, and I was confined to the house for eight months, unable to walk and at times hardly able to dress alone. The ankle joints were swollen to twice the normal size, causing much pain. All other joints were also stiff, especially the fingers.
When Christian Science was offered to me I was without money, without employment, discouraged,— sick in mind and body. Through the loving help of dear Christian Science practitioners and the study of the Bible and the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, I was lifted above all these evil conditions. To-day I am healthier and happier than I have ever been, and have gained about thirty pounds in weight. Neighbors and friends are amazed at my physical condition; they tell me I look twenty years younger.
We learn in the study of Christian Science that all discordant conditions have a mental cause, and that the trouble can be corrected only by first removing the cause. In the course of my studies of the above-mentioned books I found it necessary to do some mental housecleaning. Among the undesirable tenants to be evicted I found resentment, impatience, dishonesty, discouragement, and fear. In proportion as I overcame these conditions did the physical manifestations vanish. I was also healed of severe burns, frequent headaches, constipation, and, in one treatment, of the smoking habit of twenty-five years' standing.