I want to express my deep gratitude for all that Christian Science has done for me. I became interested in it nearly six years ago, and in a few treatments was healed of neuritis in my right arm. I had suffered from this trouble for a year, and had been unable to gain relief from it under medical treatment. This healing has been permanent. I had only Christian Science treatment when my little girl was born, and am very grateful for the harmonious conditions and freedom from suffering at that time.
I should like to tell of an instantaneous healing that my little girl had. She awoke one morning with a bad bilious attack. As she did not seem to get better during the day, I telephoned to a practitioner and asked her to help us; then I went back to the child, who was crying and very feverish. After about a quarter of an hour she stopped crying, and jumping up in her cot said she felt all right and wanted to go downstairs. From that moment she was perfectly well.
While one is very grateful for the physical healings, they seem but a small part in comparison with the daily overcoming of fear and the joy that comes through the study of Christian Science. I am very grateful for the privilege of sending my little girl to the Christian Science Sunday School. I am grateful to God; to Christ Jesus, whose wonderful life is a never failing source of inspiration and help; to Mrs. Eddy for giving us this glorious truth; and to the practitioner whose love and patience have helped us through many seeming difficulties.—Wimbledon, England.