Truly the study of Christian Science has brought many things into my life which give me just cause for an expression of gratitude. During the past seventeen years this truth has been an ever present source of guidance and protection. During this period physical discords have been of much less frequent occurrence than formerly. There have, however, been times when inharmonious physical conditions presented themselves. These have usually disappeared promptly under the application of the truth. One was a case of measles, healed in one treatment. An injured back was also healed in one treatment; while an attack of influenza was overcome in three days and another was met instantly. There have been cases which did not yield so readily, but they have caused a further study and search for the healing truth. Several times the saving power of divine Love has been revealed in times of accident or other emergencies.
Surely the foregoing, of itself, is enough to evoke gratitude; but in addition, and to me more wonderful still, is the fact that divine Principle gives me a standard by which to measure my living. Christian Science not only tells me that I ought to be good, but gives me the means of being so. The natural unfoldment of Principle to my consciousness, due to this study and application, is resulting in the destruction of many unpleasant and profitless habits of thinking. Through this process I am also learning to be more patient and loving towards my fellow-men. The belief of financial limitation and of limited ability is beginning to fade from my thought. This progress has been accompanied by new and steadily better positions. Lack of confidence and consequent fear of failure are being replaced by the calm assurance that God will sustain me in doing whatever it is right for me to do.
Testimony of blessings received would not be complete without my mentioning the Christian Science Sunday School; for it was there that God's law as a practical thing, which could be and ought to be applied to my daily living, first became apparent to me.