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From the November 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE assertion sometimes made by earnest neophytes of Christian Science that its teachings are difficult to understand, furnishes food for thought. The very fact that one may be sincerely investigating its teachings indicates a spiritual force operating in his thinking. His desire for spirituality may be partially latent and unrecognized even by himself, but nevertheless it is turning him away from unsatisfying philosophies or creeds to seek a true knowledge of God. Such is the tendency of a least spiritual desire; and Jesus clearly explained the process when he said, "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven."

Christian Science teaches that heaven is a state of spiritual consciousness, including a true concept of God, man, and the universe. It is the presence of harmony, the realization that divine Mind is the only intelligence and divine Love the only activity. To be conscious of heaven is to be conscious of Truth, Life, and Love, righteousness and purity occupying thought in natural continuity. The root meaning of the verb "convert" is "to turn." One condition of entering the kingdom of heaven is to turn from the contemplation and indulgence of a false selfhood and to manifest the spiritual qualities of a little child. This can be done only through mental reconstruction. Viewed in the light of a dictionary definition of "childlike" as "meek, submissive, dutiful," it is seen how closely the instruction of our Master referred to above is related to the third beatitude; for to be meek is to submit willingly to divine guidance; and the blessing from such submission is always a clearer understanding of God and immortality, the consciousness of heaven within us, man's divine heritage. This fuller understanding of God is shown in implicit faith and trust in good, recognizing God's will as always infinitely good.

Meekness soon comprehends that since God is Love He must of necessity have created lovable ideas, because they are the expression of His self-completeness, His love. Then to love, protect, direct, supply, and tenderly care for such ideas is God functioning. As the student recognizes this fact, the unchangeableness, everpresence, and availability of Love establish in the student's thinking his conscious unity with God, thereby individualizing God's power. With the same expectancy of response which prompts a child to run to his human parent, he turns to God for the solution of every problem. Submission to the divine will has a new meaning for him. It is synonymous with that obedience which is the logical sequence of love. Obedience or submission to the demands of Principle thus becomes a law of protection; for by fulfilling the demands of Principle we escape the entanglements of mortal mind. Human wisdom in its instability is rejected, and the wisdom of relying patiently on Truth to heal whatever needs healing is accepted.

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