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From the September 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

EXISTENCE is bound to remain an enigma without an understanding of God and His creation. The questions, Whence came I? What am I? and, Whither do I go? will remain unanswered until one has obtained the solution of the question. Who or what is God? But get the answer which throws light on the nature of Deity, and the riddle of the universe is solved; come to know the truth about God, and through divine logic the truth about man becomes clear, his origin and destiny revealing themselves unmistakably.

Nothing can be of greater value, therefore, to mankind than a correct understanding of God. But where is this understanding to be found? Natural science does not give it; human philosophy will not reveal it; false theology but serves to obscure it. Only through revelation, revelation which comes through spiritual sense, that sense which is never to be confounded with so-called material sense, is it possible to know God. And spiritual sense belongs to all men, although it has been cultivated and used chiefly by those whom we call the prophets.

The Old Testament holds the record of the spiritual discoveries of the Hebrew prophets; and the New Testament contains the spiritual discoveries of Christ Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth, the greatest of all the prophets who have lived on earth. Combined, the revelations of Truth contained in the Old and New Testaments constitute a gift which everyone may claim as his own. And many will declare that they do claim this gift; while others will say that they fail to find in the Bible that scientific knowledge which is so necessary in the clearing up of the problems associated with human existence. These latter feel that something is necessary to clear up the situation.

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