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From the September 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

NO doubt the question has arisen many times in the thought of every sincere Christian, every earnest seeker after God, as to just how the so-called miracles of the Bible were brought about. Who has not longed to know how Moses, in the midst of complaints and revilings from the people he was leading out of bondage, could turn to God with such profound faith that the waters of the Red Sea parted and the children of Israel went "into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground." What was it that Daniel knew about God that enabled him, in his hour of trial, to rely so steadfastly upon Him that he could invoke the mighty power which closed the lions' mouths and delivered him unscathed from the predicament in which his enemies had placed him? By what means were the three young Hebrews, facing what appeared to be certain death in the flames, enabled to declare that "our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace"? And last, and greatest of all, came Christ Jesus, who with his "Peace, be still" proved his dominion over every phase of evil and discord, and finally gave the greatest demonstrations of God's power the world has ever known— his resurrection and ascension. What knowledge did all these possess to enable them to accomplish such wonderful works?

The answer to these questions and yearnings is to be found all through the Bible, expressed in various ways; but nowhere in all the Scriptures has it been more simply stated than in the words of Paul in his epistle to the Philippians, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." To the Christian Scientist this brief statement comes like a flood of light and a direct answer to his wonderings. It is to him a gauge by which to test his every thought and act, that it may measure up to the standard set by our Master, and enable him to bring forth the fruits that must inevitably follow obedience to Paul's injunction to the Philippians.

But to one who has not had the privilege of being a student of Christian Science, Paul's exhortation will probably bring the same queries that have come to all Christians at some time or other, as to what "this mind" is which was in Christ Jesus, and how one may possess it. If such a one will turn to the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, not only will he find satisfactory answers to his questions, but, best of all, he will be able to prove by actual demonstration that this same Mind "which was also in Christ Jesus" is just as available and powerful now as it was in the days of old. And he will also learn that this Mind is "no respecter of persons," and that it rests entirely with the individual as to how much of this Mind, or intelligence, he makes his own.

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