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From the September 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT is often thought that it is good to make haste; whereas, in certain circumstances, though it may seem to be the easiest way, it is merely a careless method of approaching a problem, and one that may multiply our difficulties instead of scientifically overcoming them. This is a subtlety hard to detect, as haste has more frequently been presented to the human mind in its good aspect than m its bad. Hastiness, heedlessness, and precipitancy are akin to haste; so, should we not be on guard, when confronted by a problem, to see whether or not the action we propose to take is necessarily good because it is quick? Through manifesting great haste, too often we are cheated into believing that we are accomplishing a great deal, when we are really making little or no progress. The Scriptures constantly enjoin upon us to "wait on the Lord." What does this waiting mean; and how are we to act while waiting?

All through the Old Testament we find notable instances of achievements made through calm and prayerful thought, rather than through hurried action; and this mental attitude is what we all need to cultivate in order to reach that altitude of spiritual understanding which enabled Christ Jesus to counteract and overcome every manifestation of evil with the simple truth.

In following the journeyings of the children of Israel, we read in Numbers that "whether it were two days, or a month, or a year, that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the children of Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not: but when it was taken up, they journeyed."

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