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God's Royal Law

From the September 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

DIVINE law as revealed through Christian Science is quite different from what is generally termed law: it is of God, divine Mind, full of grace and love, blessing wherever it is applied. This royal law of Spirit imparts righteousness from God: it is the divine impulsions of Truth at work, the moral forces of the universe functioning. The Scriptures infer that this divine law is the Word of God expressed; "for," as the Psalmist wrote, "he spake, and it was done; he commanded, and it stood fast." Behold the law of God working everywhere, all consciousness operating under it, all creation subject to it, the universe of Mind controlled not by laws of nature, but by the law of Spirit, everything acting in perpetual harmony according to perfect law— does not such a comprehension of law reveal man's life as not at the mercy of chance or circumstance, but as established by divine Principle, and as being unfolded after the divine order? This royal law is that which holds man in the immortality of Life and goodness. The tender, warm, all-encompassing love of God for man pulsates and radiates through divine law.

Beholding even a glimpse of the infinite law of Spirit, we awaken to understand that our responsibility, if we would work out our own salvation, is to find our connection with this royal law, and then let it work in our lives. To apply it in our earthly experience is to bring the divine to bear upon the human, the real upon the unreal, and thus demonstrate truth in our affairs. It means the ability to prove our unity with the power of spiritual vision and the graces of divine Love. The impulse that causes a good Samaritan to minister unto his brother-man is due to the action of divine law.

This royal law, as a breath of divinity, exhales upon human consciousness inspiration, joy, and love, which are expressed in spiritual power and health. A glow of hope, an impulse of kindness, a touch of compassion, a song of praise, are as so many mental breaths that go forth, through divine law, permeating the surrounding mental atmosphere with healing. With the command, "Let there be light," this law moves instantly upon the face of mental darkness, and, behold, consciousness is changed; there is light; the law works, and healing takes place. In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 72) Mrs. Eddy has written, "Not personal intercommunion but divine law is the communicator of truth, health, and harmony to earth and humanity." Such is the perfect law of liberty that frees from fear and all evil, and produces in everyday life what the human mind calls miracles.

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