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From the September 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FROM the Preface of the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, to the last pages of the chapter entitled "The Apocalypse," no subjects are oftener mentioned than man's existence as idea and man's indestructible relation to God, the creator of all that really exists. The sacred Scriptures also record the nature and essence of true substance as Mind, the only motive power as good, and the law of perfect harmony in all the manifestations of a perfect creator and governor. To know these facts opens the only practical road to eternal life, and supplies the right foundation for the true worship of God. To be conscious of divine omnipresence and its actual guidance makes Christ Jesus' teachings the basis of demonstrable religion.

The Christian concept of God as Truth and Love has survived the chaos of the dark centuries and the perversions of the gospel, which gospel devout disciples had carried to the Gentiles, and which, unharmed by dogmatic misconceptions, waited to be rediscovered and restored to practical use. The seer's vision that the Christ would reappear a "second time without sin unto salvation," has been brought to pass through the life and labors of our revered Leader, Mrs. Eddy.

A message quite foreign to the thoughts of the world inspired the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science to do many wonderful works, and to organize a movement unparalleled for its beneficence in religious history. One of her first efforts to supply the need for a true sense of God was correct instruction in a textbook, to the end that all might learn how to live the life of unselfed love.

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