In loving gratitude for many benefits received in Christian Science I should like to add my testimony, in the hope that it may help others as I have been helped innumerable times. For many years I was under the care of doctors and specialists, because of internal injuries caused by a fall; but the various treatments failed to give permanent relief.
After a great struggle with self as to the advisability of taking up Christian Science, I decided to go to a practitioner. I am candid in stating that it was with many misgivings and very little hope. She, however, lovingly and patiently swept away my fears and prejudices, explaining so clearly the allness of God, and man as made in His image and likeness, that I was able to realize the healing presence of divine Love. After one treatment I left her office healed completely of that trouble. That was over eleven years ago, and I am grateful to state that the healing has been permanent.
As the days went by and I began really to enjoy living, I decided to try to find out what had happened to bring about this wonderful change. I immediately purchased a copy of the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and read it for several hours a day in connection with the Bible. It was a revelation to me, and has been a constant source of unfoldment and joy ever since.