It is with a great sense of gratitude that I wish to share with others the proof I have had of God's healing power in a case of blood poisoning. The palm of my hand was quite calloused as a result of gardening, and beside one of these callouses a large blister appeared. This blister refused to heal; and although I worked faithfully, my understanding of Christian Science was not sufficient to prevent the hand from becoming quite swollen and painful. I called on a Christian Science practitioner for help, but after several days of extreme suffering my husband, who was not a Scientist, became alarmed and called in a physician, who lanced the hand three times. After the third day the doctor announced that the hand was not draining properly because of the toughness of the calloused skin, and insisted that I should go to a hospital and be operated upon.
At this point my husband said I must be allowed to make my own decision as to where I should turn for help, since he had had his way and it was very evident conditions were no better but rather worse, for now the hand was much discolored and the arm stiff at the elbow. The doctor, a friend of the family, predicted the loss of the hand and arm, or possibly even death, if we resorted to anything other than a surgical operation.
I immediately called the Christian Science practitioner, who came to me late that night and resumed her faithful work, allaying our fears by her confident assurance that God is omnipresent. The next day the hand opened painlessly, and discharged for one week. Practically the whole palm of the hand was removed, and underneath was a new palm. The hand appeared to be much crippled, but we were privileged to witness the operation of divine Mind and to prove the wonderful nature of God's work. In three weeks I could use the hand to play the piano, and shortly afterward the fingers straightened out. "This is the Lord's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes."