Christian Science was introduced into our home through the healing of my mother when, after years of invalidism, she was told by many physicians that she could not live. Christian Science completely healed her and restored her to years of usefulness. I was five years of age when this healing occurred. Previous to this, physicians had told my parents that I was an extremely weak child, having inherited the ills of my mother, and they despaired of my ever being reared, even to girlhood. I also shared in the benefits of my mother's healing, for from that time Christian Science has met my every need.
With the teaching received in the Christian Science Sunday School, together with the home teaching, I was able quickly to meet and master the problems of childhood. A time arrived, however, when this child-faith needed to develop into spiritual understanding. About this time I was healed of a nervous breakdown and its attendant mental depression. This healing did not come quickly, as had always been my previous experience, but required much faithful and patient work. I am grateful to say that through this experience I gained more understanding of God.
Later, a physical problem came in the form of sick headaches and indigestion. I could eat but few kinds of food without great distress. I had asked for help in Christian Science at different times and always received the help temporarily, but the condition returned again and again. Finally I decided to continue treatment until I was convinced that this error had fallen never to rise again. I had often likened it to a weed whose tops had been pulled off many times, but whose root still remained. This root proved to be many forms of self, mainly self-righteousness and self-pity. When these were replaced with meekness and humility, the old root was completely destroyed, and perfect healing resulted and has been permanent. With this healing came a beautiful spiritual awakening such as I had never before experienced, proving to me that although we have had the blessed privilege of attending the Christian Science Sunday School and living in the atmosphere of a Christian Science home, yet each must have his own awakening and work out his own salvation.—Dayton, Ohio.