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Testimonies of Healing

I took up the study of Christian Science...

From the February 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I took up the study of Christian Science, because I found that no good came from materiality. I was healed of quinsy, from which I had suffered since childhood, also of constipation and a chronic state of stomach trouble. These errors passed away through consecrated prayer and an earnest study of the Bible and of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I was also healed of a diseased condition of the blood, which physicians claimed was incurable, by studying and holding steadfastly in thought these words from Science and Health (p. 376): "The pallid invalid, whom you declare to be wasting away with consumption of the blood, should be told that blood never gave life and can never take it away,—that Life is Spirit, and that there is more life and immortality in one good motive and act, than in all the blood which ever flowed through mortal veins and simulated a corporeal sense of life." I saw clearly that my salvation depended upon good motives and acts and not on blood. I immediately discarded all medicine, and since that time divine Love has been my only physician. These healings occurred over eight years ago, and there has never been a return of the diseases, proving conclusively that the words of the prophet Nahum are true: "What do ye imagine against the Lord? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time."

I am grateful for these and many other healings, including the healing of influenza in a severe form and a seriously fractured ankle bone; also for the healing of our little son, who on two occasions seemed to be within the death valley, but through the loving help of practitioners was restored almost instantaneously. I am also grateful for class instruction, for membership in The Mother Church and in a branch church, for our literature, and especially for the Board of Directors of The Mother Church, who are so courageously standing for the truth as given us by our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy.—

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