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From the June 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The book of Proverbs teems with admonitions to the children of men, admonitions which are clear and definite. These timely warnings are to those who fail in gaining wisdom and understanding; to those who scorn reproof and correction, or shun obedience to constituted authority; to those who act and speak foolishly, or lightly esteem righteousness, honesty, and discretion.

Coupled with these admonitions are many wonderful promises of reward, such as health, joy, abundance of supply, success in business, length of days, and, above all, the knowledge of God. The conditions to be fulfilled by the individual, precedent to the attainment of these great rewards, must not be overlooked or lost sight of, but must be complied with in fullest measure. They may be summarized in part as follows: Keep the commandments; be obedient to the law of God and the laws of the land; get wisdom and understanding; love your neighbor as yourself; think, speak, and act justly. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding."

The wisdom so earnestly commended to all mankind is not mere intellectuality, nor is it gained by delving into material knowledge. It is far above and beyond the worldly wisdom referred to by Paul when he said: "If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness." This wisdom is a quality of God, an attribute of God, which the real man has by reflection. It is spiritual wisdom; and it must sooner or later be gained by all.

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