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From the December 1932 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In his injunction to the Thessalonians, "Pray without ceasing," Paul made no reservations. He evidently looked upon it as a rule of conduct to be observed at all times and under all conditions. Nevertheless, the human sense seems all too frequently to come upon evil days when the need for help from God is more than usually urgent. At such times, as always, Christian Science stands a proved teaching through which the omnipotent beneficence of divine Principle is being brought to realization. In such periods of extremity the individual, as well as the world, might be likened to the wayfarer fallen among thieves, and Christian Science to the good Samaritan. Through the understanding of the truth, and through the conscientious efforts of the student of Christian Science in behalf of himself and of those who call upon him for special aid, and in behalf of the general good as well, the distressed and frightened human consciousness is being gradually, but surely, quieted, and the will of God is being done in ever increasing measure upon earth.

Now it is clear that the beneficial effects of Christian Science can be brought to the world only through the activity of those who possess a demonstrable knowledge of this Science of being. Christian Science depends for its efficacious demonstration upon the faithful activity of its adherents; and only as Christian Scientists individually do their utmost to apply the truth can the world receive the benefit of that liberation from all forms of limitation which Mrs. Eddy's great discovery and work have made available. As each Christian Scientist through faithful application of the truth contributes to the general good, as well as his own, the whole world will experience the blessing.

A crisis in individual experience may need special attention and the application of exceptional effort. So also a crisis in world affairs should challenge the special attention and effort of those who see and acknowledge their opportunity and their duty to their fellow men. Thus, in the present-day situation, every sincere Christian Scientist should be more than ever alert to meet every suggestion of error as did Jesus, "whose humble prayers," Mrs. Eddy says (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 12), "were deep and conscientious protests of Truth, —of man's likeness to God and of man's unity with Truth and Love."

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