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From the December 1932 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There is much to be done to heal a torn and frightened world concerning the question of its maintenance. Many people are afraid that they will not be rightly maintained, and are struggling with what they call the grim reality of this fear. Men everywhere are searching for a remedy by which these things may be changed, for nations as well as for individuals. To this unrest Christian Science brings a message which is a light in the darkness, because it turns thought to God as the sole source of maintenance and supply for the entire universe, and gives mankind actual corrective spiritual rules by which this divine supply may be expressed in human experience.

Bring financial relief to a mortal's poverty, yet unless the mental sense of poverty be removed he will still be poor. Christian Science treatment, realizing the affluence of divine Love, destroys poverty, the false mental condition called lack, in the same way that it dissipates the falsity called disease. The activity of the spiritual idea, operating through Christian Science, breaks the mesmerism of doubt and fear. Then the abundance of good, flowing into thought as an active presence, expresses itself in whatever may best meet the human need, whether it be health, strength, or the ability and opportunity to work honestly and to pay one's debts.

What is maintenance, sustenance, supply? Fundamentally and primarily, it is God's care for the universe He has created. The word "supply," as men ordinarily use it, is far too limited in meaning. Human thought sees, as the Apostle Paul declared, "through a glass, darkly." More than material food, clothing, shelter, true supply is all that exists, all the time, everywhere, and for everybody, of spiritual being and maintenance. It is God's infinite goodness sustaining His creation. And when God is sought and obeyed as the one source of good, the fact of maintenance is proved to be true and sure for the mortal in his present need.

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