CHRISTIAN SCIENCE, according to a significant statement made by Mary Baker Eddy on page 445 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," "illustrates the unlabored motion of the divine energy in healing the sick."
Spiritual energy accomplishes what to human sense seems physically impossible of accomplishment; yet it operates without effort, strain, friction, and without the slightest loss of efficiency. How different from so-called physical energy! When physical energy is applied specifically to the healing of the sick, there is usually a show of considerable physical activity. Material remedies are sought after anxiously and administered painstakingly. Sometimes the body is treated by manipulation of one kind or another.
This belief that healing the sick is a problem which normally should be accompanied by a show of physical activity explains why some persons look with misgivings upon treatment for healing in Christian Science. Occasionally they complain fearfully that nothing is being done. Yet infinite energy is at work; but the energy of Spirit is not recognized by material sense. Men have long trusted credulously to multifarious types and forms of supposititious material energy to save them from their dangers and distresses. The sheer physical activity of their material saviors has often given them faith which has engendered temporary healing, or, failing to cure, has caused them to resign themselves to what they have considered to be the inevitable, believing that all that could be done had been done.