After I had searched in vain for a real and lasting happiness, Christian Science was brought to my attention by a friend who invited me to attend a midweek testimony meeting with her. I became greatly interested, and read the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, most attentively. I did not find the answer to my quest the first time I read it, for I was searching for a promise of happiness in a material existence. Continuing my study and attending the church services, I began to read the book again. This time it proved a marvelous revelation to me, for I had learned that true happiness is found only in spiritual living.
During this earnest study I had no thought of seeking physical healing, but was overjoyed to find that this true understanding of my relationship to my heavenly Father had caused the disappearance of an unsightly cyst on my eyelid. A former one had been removed by an operation and was a long time healing. I had proved the truth that "the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword." Since then, during many years of earnest study and an endeavor to follow the footsteps of Jesus the Way-shower, I have had many healings, such as the overcoming of frequent colds, neuralgia in my right temple, fear of darkness, periodical sick headaches, and the sense of loss at the time dear ones passed away.
It is my joy and privilege to teach in the Sunday school and to be granted the opportunity to be about my Father's business in other church activities. A happier outlook on life has come to me, and I find great comfort and peace in a knowledge of the Bible as taught by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy. I am also unceasingly grateful for class instruction.—Denver, Colorado.