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Testimonies of Healing

I did not turn to Christian Science...

From the June 1932 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I did not turn to Christian Science primarily for physical healing, though the instantaneous recovery of a sister from a so-called incurable complaint, through the work of a Christian Science practitioner, roused my interest and brought the conviction that there was a power beyond and above what I had hitherto surmised. This led me to hope that there might also be help for chronic dissatisfaction and unhappiness, believed to have been caused by a grievous loss earlier in life which seemed to blight and bring to failure my every undertaking and to leave me restless and unable to persevere in any work, or to stay anywhere sufficiently long to succeed. I bought a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and also began to attend the Christian Science services; but it was long before I understood or liked either, though it seemed impossible to discontinue. The conviction slowly grew that whether accepted or not Christian Science was the truth.

One very dark night I slipped off a curb, twisting and wrenching one foot beneath me, so that at first it was impossible to rise. I tried to trust that God would help me to reach home, but the pain confused and blurred my thinking. At last I managed to get up and hobble the short distance necessary, and on arriving home made some excuse for retiring early, determined to be alone with God and put Christian Science to the proof. The ankle looked terribly swollen and discolored, and the pressure of the bedclothes seemed unendurable; but I earnestly tried to put into practice what little understanding I had gained. To my great disappointment I found on the following morning that it seemed impossible to put that foot to the ground. I had promised to attend to a certain business that day, and failure to do so would have meant great disappointment to others. An urgent sense of need then filled my thought, not merely to be freed from suffering but to be enabled to keep my compact. At once the words which many a time since have helped me seemed clearly spoken: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." In that instant every trace of pain vanished, and, free from fear, I put my foot firmly down; nor did I have another twinge, although I was walking and standing the whole morning. I was happy "in the proof of healing,—in a sweet and certain sense that God is Love" (Science and Health, p. 569).

Since that day, over twelve years ago, I have had many definite and generally instantaneous healings, including the healing of influenza in a few hours, of neuritis, acute and chronic backache said to be hereditary, sick headaches which had held me in bondage most of my life, and the belief in inevitable and lengthy colds and coughs. Some of these healings have been accomplished through the prompt and loving work of practitioners, and some through my own persistent contending for the truth. A worrying sense of limitation and lack is gradually giving place to confident trust in God— whom I now understand to be Love —who could not possibly deprive His children of one atom of good or happiness.

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