I first heard of Christian Science over thirty years ago, when my mother was healed of a condition which a surgeon told her might be alleviated by an operation, but could not be permanently corrected. My two sisters and I were entered in a Christian Science Sunday School and grew up in this atmosphere.
Six or seven years went by, and then the opportunity was presented to prove substance to be spiritual. With the help of a loving practitioner I stepped into a business which paid for itself in a few years, wiped out my personal debts, and enabled me to accumulate a surplus.
After the war was over Christian Science helped me to readjust myself and get relocated. While Christian Science had been my only physician, yet I had never been healed of the tobacco and social drinking habits. This situation had kept me from applying for church membership and doing for Christian Science something in return for all it had done for me. About five or six years ago the social drinking habit developed into a craving. This, combined with a nervous breakdown, reduced me to a pitiable condition. But "man's extremity is God's opportunity." I was instantaneously and harmoniously healed of all desire for alcohol and tobacco after reading a testimony published in the May, 1927, Journal.