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From the July 1932 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A glimpse of the Christ was granted
To me as I prayed one day,
And the voice of the gentle Master
Compellingly seemed to say:
Go forth and proclaim my gospel
To those who are sick and sad;
To those who are poor and needy;
To those who are weak and bad.

Relinquish all sense of passion,
Of anger or self or fear,
I have called you to be my witness
To render my message clear;
For those who cry out for healing
Are blinded by sin and pain,
And only the purest loving
Can open their eyes again.

Be steadfast, that those who waver
May see that their God is All;
Be patient, that those who suffer
May heed His unfailing call.
Be gentle and true and faithful,
Nor cringe when the way is steep,
For ever your strength and courage
Shall hearten the hurt who weep.

My way is the Father's mission,
My footsteps the path to peace:
I have called you to be my witness
That sorrow and sin may cease.
Go forth and proclaim the message
In action and thought and deed;
Prove man in his joyous sonship,
Fulfilling humanity's need.

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