I should like to express my gratitude for a wonderful healing that I had in January, 1930. Ice on my back porch caused me to slip and fall about eight or nine feet to the ground. A scream brought neighbors running. One of them, a student of Christian Science, upon hearing the scream, thought, Why am I heeding this call of accident? But the "still small voice" said, Go! She arrived to find that other neighbors bad called a physician and an ambulance. Knowing that I would wish Christian Science treatment, she dismissed the physician and ambulance and called a Christian Science practitioner, as a result of whose loving work I am testifying today that Truth is able to heal.
My head was cracked, my collar bone and ribs were broken, and injuries of an internal nature were apparent, since I expectorated blood in large quantities. In six days the Christian Science nurse was dismissed, and one week later I was able to attend church.
Blessings are many if we will but heed God and walk the narrow path which He has pointed out for us. I am truly grateful for the teachings of our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.—Seattle, Washington