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Testimonies of Healing

As I have been so wonderfully...

From the January 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As I have been so wonderfully helped by reading the testimonies in The Christian Science Journal and the Christian Science Sentinel, I feel that it is my duty and privilege to tell of some of the healings which have taken place in my family through the application of the truth as taught in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

I had my first healing about fifteen years ago. At that time I was in a very bad condition from a medical viewpoint. I had a nervous breakdown, chronic bronchitis, head and nasal catarrh, misplacement of internal organs, and a sense of fear of something terrible that might happen to me or to some member of my family. I had tried both medicine and drugless healing, but, like the woman spoken of in the Bible, I grew worse instead of better. After the healing of a sister through Christian Science, when to mortal sense she was almost ready to pass on, and after physicians had told her an operation was her only chance and held out very little hope even from that, I was persuaded by my husband to have Christian Science treatment. I went to the practitioner with no hope of relief and with rather a feeling of resentment against anything pertaining to healing, as I felt it was unfair for me not to be able to care for my family as I wished to.

When I began telling the practitioner of my ailments she did not wait for me to enumerate them all, but handed me a copy of Science and Health and asked me to read the chapter on Prayer. Still with a feeling of resentment I complied with her request. After the treatment she told me that I should not be bothered with the physical ailments any longer. I could not understand how I could be healed in just one treatment and insisted that she continue treatment for a month; but before the month passed I found I was free from the difficulties and was making demonstrations for myself. Realizing that I had found the "pearl of great price," I began studying the Bible according to the light thrown on it by the spiritual interpretations in Science and Health.

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