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Testimonies of Healing

I am so filled with gratitude for...

From the January 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am so filled with gratitude for Christian Science that it is a privilege to acknowledge it to all. The prophet of old said, "And a little child shall lead them." So it is with the sending of this testimony; for the idea came to me through our little son. After having a very beautiful healing, he remarked that it should be put in The Christian Science Journal. He had been unconscious for an afternoon and a night. The next morning all the fever left him, and he was so completely healed that he attended school that same day.

The inexhaustible channels through which love, kindness, and help have come to our family are indeed wonderful. We have been fed as with manna from the sky. This healing message, "Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine," has inspired and helped me on.

I was healed of quinsy. My throat was burning with fever, I was unable to swallow, and was suffering intensely — later becoming unconscious. A Christian Science practitioner was called that morning, and by nine o'clock that evening I sat up in bed and asked for a drink of milk; at the same time the healing took place. This was my first proof of Christian Science healing.

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