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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

I should like to tell how I was...

From the January 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I should like to tell how I was healed through Christian Science, and how the ever present love of our Father-Mother God was made apparent and the absolute nothingness of matter proved to me. I had been interested in Christian Science a number of years and had been a seeker for Truth. In this way many healings and blessings came to me; and I owe endless thanks to those who, in love and perseverance, have helped me to gain an understanding of Christian Science.

For months I had not felt very well. I was weary when working and forced to rest. I could eat only very irregularly. I relied entirely on the fact that God's love would free me from these inharmonious conditions. Then one morning I went to town. Before the door of the office building in which I was to have an interview I completely collapsed. Immediately a number of people crowded around, took me in charge, and carried me into a store. Among them were two physicians, who wanted to take me to a hospital, but I asked to be taken home. Finally I succeeded in breaking through the opposition and protest of the doctors; someone got me a conveyance, and I went home. In the entry I collapsed again and was placed on a couch. A Christian Science practitioner was called, and gave me treatment. A great peace came over me; I found rest. Twice more matter tried to get the upper hand; but God's love won the day and healed me of all diseases and distresses. Through all these discordant happenings I had no sense of pain whatever. The sense of weakness was overcome with remarkable celerity, and I was able to leave my bed at the end of the week.

I am firmly convinced that but for the understanding of Christian Science I should not be here today to thank my Father-Mother God for this marvelous healing. My thanks are due all who have helped me on the road to understanding; also to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, whose divinely inspired life-work has made it possible for us to be set free.—

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