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Testimonies of Healing

Many years ago when a friend of...

From the January 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Many years ago when a friend of mine who was a Christian Scientist told me I could be healed, I thought it was impossible because many physicians had said I could not live.

In one Christian Science treatment I was healed of four so-called incurable diseases—adhesion, stomach trouble, heart disease, and defective eyesight. When I was told by the practitioner that God never made conditions like those, neither did He cause a child of His to suffer, it dawned upon my thought that I was living and believing a lie. That truth made me free, and I have remained so.

Christian Science has also solved business problems by my knowing that all real business belongs to God; and lack has been overcome as I have looked to God for everything. Can I be poor, when He is rich in ideas and they give us supply? Without Christian Science and the truth put into practice, life would mean very little to me. In addition, I have been healed of sprained ankles, colds, tonsillitis, fallen arches, dog bites, ivy poisoning, ptomaine poisoning, very bad infection which was almost blood poisoning, and a violent temper. These have all been destroyed as a result of right thinking about God. Today I enjoy perfect health.

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