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Testimonies of Healing

Nearly fifteen years ago I was...

From the January 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Nearly fifteen years ago I was healed of a serious internal trouble through the operation of Christian Science. And I feel impelled to tell of this healing now in consequence of a recent experience, which tends to show that whilst people no longer question the healing power of Christian Science, some view with grave suspicion any statement that people are healed through simply reading and studying the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy.

I had been talking to a man about Christian Science, and in the course of our conversation mentioned such healings as illustrative of the impersonal nature of a Christian Science treatment; but it very soon became apparent that he honestly questioned the accuracy of those testimonies given in the last one hundred pages of the textbook. He said that he could not bring himself to believe in the possibility that one could be healed simply through reading the textbook.

When, however, I told this man that I myself could bear witness to the truth of such healings, just as those people had done, he was much impressed, and asked me to tell him about my healing.

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