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Testimonies of Healing

When I was thirteen years old I...

From the January 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was thirteen years old I was healed through Christian Science of a serious bone trouble after having an operation, wearing a plaster cast, and doing all that doctors could suggest. At that time I was told I could never walk far and never run with other children. This all came back to me recently when I climbed five miles up in the Olympics and five miles down the same day. In fact immediately after my healing I ran with other children, and I have always walked as far as I chose.

In March, 1926, during a business meeting at church my left arm began to pain me. Before the meeting was over the pain was so intense I was faint. I am a violinist and through the years many of my friends had had trouble with their arms—some were incapacitated for months, others never able to play their violins again.

Whenever the thought came that such a difficulty might come to me I dismissed it, but I must admit I hoped I should never have it to meet. On my arriving home my husband called a practitioner. From that time on for five weeks I was confined to the house, and for three weeks I was in great pain most of the time. I know none of my musical friends ever expected me to play again. The mere thought of holding my violin nauseated me—it seemed so impossible to raise my arm.

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