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From the June 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE emphasizes the irresistible and universal attraction of Christ, Truth, which Jesus implied in his words, "I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me." Partly through increased vision, and partly because they are feeling the dire consequences of division, the nations of the world are being drawn into closer cooperation with each other. Better teamwork is gradually appearing. Divine Principle is guiding human thought into rectitude, peace, prosperity; and, as Mrs. Eddy says (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 571), "The cement of a higher humanity will unite all interests in the one divinity."

Yet, owing to divergent aims, traceable to different racial traits and ideals, historical backgrounds or traditions, the obstacles in the way of desirable concerted action between the nations appear formidable. The perfect answer to all world controversies lies in the realm of the one divine Mind. The Christian Scientist is therefore watchful lest he should drift into deploring as real and voicing the pernicious influence of so called mortal mind over this, that, or the other individual, group, and nation—as do those unacquainted with the Science of being. Not for one moment must the true thinker believe in human resistance to Truth or in the opacity of material sense, since lies are not to be affirmed, but refuted. The Christian Scientist's duty is to realize and put all his trust in the omniaction of infinite Mind and its enlightening influence everywhere.

Owing to what may be termed the universal claim of evil, every Christian Scientist would do well to devote a part of his time to true thinking on the specific questions commanding the attention of the governments of the world; for such mental work is widely liberating. Should an epidemic of disease appear to descend upon his community, the Christian Scientist would do more than declare that the epidemic could not touch him or the inmates of his home. Knowing that God's law of life and health operates ceaselessly and impartially, he would wake to realize, for general as well as individual protection, the unreality, the nonpresence, of the epidemic as a whole.

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