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From the June 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

FROM Genesis to Revelation the Bible records mankind's obedience or disobedience to the voice of God. Beginning with the questioning of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and culminating in the revelation of Jesus Christ given "by his angel unto his servant John," on Patmos, the voice of God, speaking to human consciousness, is indicated as present to instruct, restrain, exhort, rebuke, comfort, and heal. And all who truly heard identified it as the voice of God.

The older Scriptures ring with exhortations to hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord and to obey His word, while both the Old and the New Testament are full of instances of men and women who reaped rich rewards through abiding in this attitude of receptive and obedient thinking.

In our age a loving woman, Mary Baker Eddy, waited, watched, and listened so faithfully for the voice of God that the complete revelation of perfect God and perfect man unfolded to her consciousness. Through this mighty message, which she has named Christian Science, God is uttering Himself to all mankind with untold power and love, wakening the sleeping thought, healing the sick, and regenerating the sinner. But to realize fully the touch of this holy influence the thought of mankind must rise above worldliness and self-seeking. It must become unselfish, meek, loving, and pure. Each individual must so strive to set his affection on the things of Spirit that his life will fulfill the Psalmist's aspiration, "My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him."

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