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From the June 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Give me a singing heart, O God,
And I shall see
Beauty in common things—
The daily round; the whispering tree;
Colors in earth and sky;
The sunset's glow;
Bird song and butterfly;
The flowers that grow
On hill and lea.

Give me a loving heart that I
May healing bring
To other hearts bowed down
By pain or woe, and bid them sing.
Then shall they seek Thy face
And know release
And find the secret place
Of perfect peace
Beneath Thy wing.

Give me an understanding heart
That I may bear
Comfort to those who mourn,
Their grief annul; help me to share
The oil of joy; give praise
For heaviness—
Lifting the weary gaze
To Thee; so bless
My humble prayer.

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