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From the June 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE Psalmist left a permanent and beautiful testimony to God's allness, a timeless record of the abundance of God, good, in the words, "The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof." David could witness to Truth's abundance because in his varied experiences, from shepherd boy to king of Israel, the law of Life, Truth, Love, when obeyed, never failed to free him from evil. He fearlessly faced enemies and political dangers because his trust was firmly placed in the active presence of God. David trusted in God as the only power because he had proved this living, ever present truth. Whatever form the claim of aggressive evil assumed, his confidence in God gave him both wisdom and courage with which to face and overcome the illusions of evil.

As shepherd of his father's flocks, David slew the lion and the bear which had taken a lamb. He met and destroyed the defiant Goliath, that giant whose boastful words expressed confidence in the power and force of human will and materiality, an error which each individual must eventually meet and overcome. Today, as of yore, this Goliath or evil claim must be faced and overcome on the basis of the allness of God, of the presence and power of Spirit, Life, Love. There is no other way. David's victories over the claims of evil may be seen as illustrating God's infinite power, because they indicate that divine Principle remains forever the same. They stand as practical examples of how to overcome seeming dangers upon the basis of that divine confidence in God which reveals instant strength, wisdom, and courage in every experience of besieging error.

David's dominion over the various material threats of evil was the result of his trust in a power above the human; for when the army of Israel was threatened by the boastful Goliath, he said to Saul, "The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine."

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