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From the June 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN "Rudimental Divine Science" (p. 1) Mrs. Eddy defines Christian Science as "the law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony." Through the teachings of Christian Science, therefore, we learn the facts of being, and, correlatively, learn to recognize as such the falsities that seem to darken so much of human experience. One of the first things we learn about the facts of existence is that they are not material. They do not consist of the things, conditions, and relations of matter. The facts of being are the facts about God, the things that are true about Mind, the Principle of being. They are the truths of Mind and of the synonyms of Mind which express the nature of divine Principle, namely, Spirit, Soul, Life, Truth, Love. Mrs. Eddy says on page 470 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" that "man is the expression of God's being;" therefore the facts about God include the facts about man. Nothing is true about man that does not express God; for God is expressed in His image and likeness, man.

For the purpose of making effective in human affairs what we know of the Science of being, we declare these facts about God and man as representing the absolute, eternal, present verities of existence. We see that we can declare as true, and know it to have been forever true, that nothing has ever altered the facts of being or separated true identity from those facts.

This being true, whatever may seem to have occurred contrary to these facts of being must have occurred only in mortal belief, in a supposititious realm of false belief or illusion. But the illusion was never true, and never altered a fact of being. It becomes perfectly obvious, therefore, that escape from material illusions—illusory cause and effect— is to be found in a knowledge of the facts of being, facts about which these illusions are the false beliefs. Christian Science brings this knowledge, this enlightenment, that heals. One of the means of bringing about this enlightening, spiritual healing is Christian Science treatment. By scientific argument, by inspiration, the human thought is prepared and enabled to perceive and receive the ever true, ever present, ever active spiritual truth; and this perception, reception, retention of the truth accomplishes the removal of false belief and its evidence by the establishment of the higher evidence of harmonious being. Mrs. Eddy says (Science and Health, p. 425), "Correct material belief by spiritual understanding, and Spirit will form you anew."

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