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From the June 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE feeding of the Israelites in the desert with manna was an occurrence of deep significance. It has made clear to people of every age the fact that God provides all needful things for His people; that whatever the environment, however desolate the outlook may be to material sense, God never forsakes those who trust in Him, but giveth freely of His good gifts to satisfy all human needs. What a sense of security and assurance comes to all who love God when, in the hour of need, they recall this striking evidence of His goodness and love, knowing that the same constant care is available today as in the days of old.

Undoubtedly Moses, the great leader of the Israelites, regarded the appearing of the manna as an evidence of God's providing care that his people should not forget. Under the guidance of God he gave to them this command: "This is the thing which the Lord commandeth, Fill an omer of it to be kept for your generations; that they may see the bread wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt." Moses undoubtedly foresaw that the children of Israel would face other trials of their faith in God: that they would be tried, tested, and purified before they could enter the promised land. He saw that the remembrance of that provision in the wilderness as a striking evidence of the protection and love of God, would comfort, steady, and reassure them in the days of trial throughout the coming years, and give them renewed faith and confidence in God and strengthen their gratitude.

The Scriptures record that the children of Israel were frequently reminded of their early deliverances —the escape through the Red Sea, the bringing of water from the rock, the appearing of the pillar of fire by night and of cloud by day, and many other experiences; and God was to be praised and glorified for these wonderful proofs of His ever-present protection. The revealing to Moses of the name of God as "I AM THAT I AM" was also to be a "memorial unto all generations." "Memorial," according to a Bible authority, means "memory," or "remembrance." The day on which they came out of Egypt was to be commemorated in the Passover rites, which were to be "for a sign . . . and for a memorial . . . that the Lord's law may be in thy mouth." Moses and the prophets strengthened and encouraged themselves and the people in present trials by remembrances of previous proofs of God's protection and care.

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