These days of unemployment and readjustment in the business world frequently remind me of an instance which occurred the year after my graduation from high school. After being employed for about a year, I was greatly disturbed when told that the business had been offered for sale and that my services would no longer be required. It was necessary that I have a regular income in order to take care of a financial obligation which had been assumed a short time before. Upon voicing this thought at home, I was admonished to apply the words found in Isaiah, "Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." With this truth before me all sense of worry disappeared, and the affair was not discussed again. Very soon afterwards I was offered another position, entirely unsolicited, which beautifully met my needs.
While away from home attending college I awakened one morning with all the symptoms of influenza. By the middle of the afternoon I was so much worse that a physician was called in accordance with the rules of the house. Before he arrived, a Christian Science practitioner was called, and relief was quickly received. After examining me the physician said that there was no cause for alarm, and he was dismissed. I was up the next day and felt entirely normal except for a slight weakness, which disappeared in a few days. The rapidity of this healing caused considerable comment from several members of the household.
I am particularly grateful for what Christian Science meant to me when our two boys were born. Everything was most harmonious, and each time I was able to be up a few hours after the birth. The great desire which came to me at these times to study the writings of our Leader has been a source of joy. When the first child was about six months old my back began to trouble me. For a little over a year it ached almost continually. This condition was healed about six months before the second baby was born, by faithful and persistent study of Mrs. Eddy's works.