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From the July 1934 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A heavy shadow on my path I see,
I gaze upon it, and I wonder why
This gloomy darkness should appear to me
Still looking down I sigh,
And darker yet that shadow seems to be.

Now I look up, and let my heart abound
In thoughts of gratitude for blessings given,
Nor saunter idly, eyes upon the ground.
In having truly striven
Much happiness most surely can be found.

And then I note 'twas from a full-bloomed tree,
Its branches gay with blossoms pink and white,
That shadow came. I gaze again, and see
Both shade and peeps of light.
The sunshine rays are piercing through to me!

Thus, too, as journeying on our pilgrim way
We learn to find the beauty, light, and love,
We feel the joy which comes to those alway
Who, lifting thoughts above,
Know that God, good, does over all hold sway.

And should the shadows on my path appear,
Perchance as trials which seem the way to dim,
I'll know they are but proofs that light is near.
Then I'll look up to Him
The sunshine of whose love is everywhere!

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